
Module Contents



specification for a transistor row. Includes unit transistor dimensions and wire info


Information about top or bottom boundary of a transistor block.


Information about top or bottom boundary of a transistor row


Information about left or right boundary of a transistor row.


Information about a transistor row.




Information about a transistor row, placement data included.



The transistor block layout information object.


The extension block layout information object.



class xbase.layout.mos.data.MOSRowSpecs(mos_type: xbase.layout.enum.MOSType, width: int, threshold: str, bot_wires: xbase.layout.wires.WireData, top_wires: xbase.layout.wires.WireData, mid_wires: Optional[xbase.layout.wires.WireData] = None, options: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, flip: bool = False, sub_width: int = 0, double_gate: bool = False)[source]

specification for a transistor row. Includes unit transistor dimensions and wire info for determining track locations on conn_layer + 1

property ignore_bot_vm_sp_le: bool[source]
property ignore_top_vm_sp_le: bool[source]
mos_type: xbase.layout.enum.MOSType[source]
width: int[source]
threshold: str[source]
bot_wires: xbase.layout.wires.WireData[source]
mid_wires: xbase.layout.wires.WireData[source]
top_wires: xbase.layout.wires.WireData[source]
options: bag.util.immutable.ImmutableSortedDict[str, Any][source]
flip: bool[source]
sub_width: int[source]
double_gate: bool[source]
classmethod make_row_specs(val: Mapping[str, Any]) MOSRowSpecs[source]
class xbase.layout.mos.data.RowExtInfo[source]

Information about top or bottom boundary of a transistor block.

This class contains information needed to draw an extension region adjacent to the transistor row.

row_type: xbase.layout.enum.MOSType[source]
threshold: str[source]
info: bag.util.immutable.ImmutableSortedDict[str, Any][source]
classmethod from_dict(table: Mapping[str, Any]) RowExtInfo[source]
__getitem__(item: str) Any[source]
get(item: str, def_val: Optional[Any] = None) Any[source]
copy_with(row_type: Optional[xbase.layout.enum.MOSType] = None, threshold: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) RowExtInfo[source]
to_dict() Mapping[str, Any][source]
class xbase.layout.mos.data.BlkExtInfo[source]

Information about top or bottom boundary of a transistor row

property fg: int[source]
row_type: xbase.layout.enum.MOSType[source]
threshold: str[source]
guard_ring: bool[source]
fg_dev: bag.util.immutable.ImmutableList[Tuple[int, xbase.layout.enum.MOSType]][source]
info: bag.util.immutable.ImmutableSortedDict[str, Any][source]
__getitem__(item: str) Any[source]
__contains__(item: str) bool[source]
get(item: str, def_val: Optional[Any] = None) Any[source]
class xbase.layout.mos.data.MOSEdgeInfo(**kwargs: Any)[source]

Information about left or right boundary of a transistor row.

info: bag.util.immutable.ImmutableSortedDict[str, Any][source]
__bool__() bool[source]
get(item: str, def_val: Optional[Any] = None) Any[source]
__getitem__(item: str) Any[source]
copy_with(**kwargs) MOSEdgeInfo[source]
class xbase.layout.mos.data.MOSRowInfo[source]

Information about a transistor row.

property bot_conn_types: Sequence[xbase.layout.enum.MOSWireType][source]

Return sequence of bottom wire connection types.

index 0 is the default type.

property top_conn_types: Sequence[xbase.layout.enum.MOSWireType][source]

Return sequence of top wire connection types.

index 0 is the default type.

property mid_conn_types: Sequence[xbase.layout.enum.MOSWireType][source]

Return sequence of top wire connection types.

index 0 is the default type.

lch: int[source]
width: int[source]
sub_width: int[source]
row_type: xbase.layout.enum.MOSType[source]
threshold: str[source]
height: int[source]
flip: bool[source]
top_ext_info: RowExtInfo[source]
bot_ext_info: RowExtInfo[source]
info: bag.util.immutable.ImmutableSortedDict[str, Any][source]
g_conn_y: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)[source]
g_m_conn_y: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)[source]
ds_conn_y: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)[source]
ds_m_conn_y: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)[source]
ds_g_conn_y: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)[source]
sub_conn_y: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)[source]
guard_ring: bool = False[source]
guard_ring_col: bool = False[source]
double_gate: bool = False[source]
g2_conn_y: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)[source]
g2_m_conn_y: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)[source]
classmethod from_dict(table: Mapping[str, Any]) MOSRowInfo[source]
get_ext_info(top_edge: bool) RowExtInfo[source]
get_conn_y(wtype: xbase.layout.enum.MOSWireType) Tuple[int, int][source]
get_all_conn_y(wtype: xbase.layout.enum.MOSWireType) Sequence[Tuple[int, int]][source]

get list of all possible Y coordinates the given wire type could connect to

__getitem__(name: str) Any[source]
to_dict() Mapping[str, Any][source]
class xbase.layout.mos.data.MOSPorts[source]
property num_s: int[source]
property num_d: int[source]
property num_g: int[source]
property g0: bag.layout.routing.base.WireArray[source]
property g1: bag.layout.routing.base.WireArray[source]
g: bag.layout.routing.base.WireArray[source]
d: bag.layout.routing.base.WireArray[source]
s: bag.layout.routing.base.WireArray[source]
shorted_ports: bag.util.immutable.ImmutableList[xbase.layout.enum.MOSPortType][source]
m: Optional[bag.layout.routing.base.WireArray][source]
g2: Optional[bag.layout.routing.base.WireArray][source]
__getitem__(item: xbase.layout.enum.MOSPortType) bag.layout.routing.base.WireArray[source]
class xbase.layout.mos.data.NAND2Ports[source]
g0: Sequence[bag.layout.routing.base.WireArray][source]
g1: Sequence[bag.layout.routing.base.WireArray][source]
d: bag.layout.routing.base.WireArray[source]
s: bag.layout.routing.base.WireArray[source]
m: Optional[bag.layout.routing.base.WireArray][source]
class xbase.layout.mos.data.RowPlaceInfo[source]

Information about a transistor row, placement data included. (yb_blk, yt_blk) describe the y dimensions of the block, i.e. the MOS row. (yb, yt) describe the y dimensions of the block plus any edge extensions.

row_info: MOSRowInfo[source]
bot_wires: xbase.layout.wires.WireLookup[source]
top_wires: xbase.layout.wires.WireLookup[source]
yb: int[source]
yt: int[source]
yb_blk: int[source]
yt_blk: int[source]
y_conn: Tuple[int, int][source]
mid_wires: Optional[xbase.layout.wires.WireLookup][source]
classmethod from_dict(table: Mapping[str, Any]) RowPlaceInfo[source]
to_dict() Mapping[str, Any][source]
get_extend(tr_pitch, delta: int, top_edge: bool, shared: Sequence[str]) RowPlaceInfo[source]

Returns a copy of self, with either the top or bottom edge of the bound box extended delta in the y direction. Uses tr_pitch to quantize delta for shifting the tracks. shared lists tracks shared with block abut on the extending edge. When top_edge==True, the top edge is shifted by delta and the top tracks are shifted. When top_edge==False, the top edge is shifted by delta, the active area is shifted by delta,

and the tracks are shifted by delta. This maintains alignment with y=0.

get_move(tr_pitch: int, delta: int) RowPlaceInfo[source]

Returns a copy of self, shifted delta in the y direction. Uses tr_pitch to quantize delta for shifting the tracks.

get_ext_margin(top_edge: bool) int[source]
get_abut_info(rhs: RowPlaceInfo, top_edge: bool, rhs_top_edge: bool, shared: Sequence[str], rhs_shared: Sequence[str], tr_manager: bag.layout.routing.base.TrackManager, layer: int) Tuple[int, RowExtInfo, RowExtInfo][source]

Returns the margin needed to abut this row with the given row.

  • rhs (RowPlaceInfo) – the other row.

  • top_edge (bool) – True if rhs is abutting to top edge of this row.

  • rhs_top_edge (bool) – True if we’re abutting to top edge of the other row.

  • shared (Sequence[str]) – list of edge wires shared with the other tile.

  • rhs_shared (Sequence[str]) – list of edge wires from the other tile shared with this tile.

  • tr_manager (TrackManager) – the TrackManager object

  • layer (int) – layer ID of the wires.


  • margin (int) – the margin in resolution units.

  • einfo1 (RowExtInfo) – the row extension information object of this RowPlaceInfo.

  • einfo2 (RowExtInfo) – the row extension information object of the other RowPlaceInfo.

class xbase.layout.mos.data.MOSBaseEndInfo[source]
h_mos_end: Tuple[int, int][source]
h_blk: Tuple[int, int][source]
class xbase.layout.mos.data.MOSLayInfo[source]

The transistor block layout information object.

lay_info: xbase.layout.data.LayoutInfo[source]
left_info: MOSEdgeInfo[source]
right_info: MOSEdgeInfo[source]
top_info: BlkExtInfo[source]
bottom_info: BlkExtInfo[source]
g_info: Tuple[int, int, int][source]
d_info: Tuple[int, int, int][source]
s_info: Tuple[int, int, int][source]
shorted_ports: bag.util.immutable.ImmutableList[xbase.layout.enum.MOSPortType][source]
m_info: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]][source]
class xbase.layout.mos.data.ExtEndLayInfo[source]

The extension block layout information object.

lay_info: xbase.layout.data.LayoutInfo[source]
edge_info: MOSEdgeInfo[source]
class xbase.layout.mos.data.MOSAbutInfo[source]
row_flat: int[source]
col: int[source]
edgel: MOSEdgeInfo[source]
edger: MOSEdgeInfo[source]
class xbase.layout.mos.data.ExtWidthInfo(discrete_w_list: Sequence[int], w_min: int, step_size: int = 1)[source]
is_valid(w: int) bool[source]
get_next_width(w: int, even: bool = False) int[source]